A Reference Methodology for Developing and Transforming Public Services
Conduct Data Lifecycle and Classification
The challenges are present in most phases of the data management, as in a smart city, data is collected from various sources (sensors, smart meters, smartphones, CCTV cameras, etc.) from different manufacturers, which causes a problem when integrating data. A data lifecycle is a framework containing all the sequential stages and activities that data has to go through from its creation, processing, archival and/or disposal (El Arass et al. 2017). Privacy and security are other factors that concern not only the cities but also their citizens, as they have their data collected and stored. These and other factors make the data lifecycle essential in order to provide better management of the data in a smart city. Data classification is the act of classifying data into categories, therefore it can be protected more effectively based on the data requirements (Digital Guardian, nda) (Carnegie Mellon University, 2018).
Before conducting the data classification, it is necessary to follow the steps below: