Define Actor Resources


Service systems are configuration of resources, including information, skills, knowledge, individuals, organizations, and technology. Given the actors, it is then possible to quantify what resources each actor will contribute to the service design and development.
At this stage, the resources are identified and assigned to the specific actors in terms of access properties (e.g. leased, owned, privileged, shared).



Service systems are configuration of resources, including information, skills, knowledge, individuals, organizations, and technology. Given the actors, it is then possible to quantify what resources each actor will contribute to the service design and development. At this stage, various theories can be used and techniques applied such as Resource-based view (RBV) (Wernerfelt, 1984, Hart 1995, Barney 2001).
At this stage, the resources are identified and assigned to the specific actors in terms of access properties (e.g. leased, owned, privileged, shared).


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  • Barney, J.B., 2001. Resource-based theories of competitive advantage: A ten-year retrospective on the resource-based view. Journal of management, 27(6), pp.643-650.
  • Hart, S.L., 1995. A natural-resource-based view of the firm. Academy of management review, 20(4), pp.986-1014.
  • Wernerfelt, B., 1984. A resourceā€based view of the firm. Strategic management journal, 5(2), pp.171-180.